Stirring your coffee with a pen. PGP.
What is this work/life balance I keep hearing about? PGP.
Somehow always getting the cart at the grocery store with a loud, broken wheel. PGP.
Telling yourself, “Tomorrow’s another day,” before noon. PGP.
Refusing to even go after an attractive coworker for fear of being the “office couple.” PGP.
The walk of shame now being the distance from the restroom to your cubicle after being in there for an absurd amount of time. PGP.
The most productive thing I’ve done today involved walking into a bathroom stall. PGP.
All work and no play driving Jack Torrance to try and kill his family. PGP.
Forrest Gump graduating in five years, not giving any thought to his future and joining the Army. PGP.