That soul crushing moment when you realize the report you’ve been working on for the last month will be glanced at once. If you’re lucky. PGP.
This is my coffee mug. There are many like it, but this one is mine. PGP.
I feel like I’m Leonardo DiCaprio from Catch Me If You Can. Every day I go to my new job, dressing and acting like I belong, and wondering when they’ll figure out I don’t know shit. PGP.
The copier feeds off of toner and fear. PGP.
My manager signs me up for meetings she doesn’t want to attend. I have no idea what the hell these meetings are about. PGP.
Coworker signed an email with “Have a productive day!” and I just wanted to respond “Go fuck yourself!” PGP.
Put up as many motivational posters you want, I will be working at the same pace. PGP.
Spending the last half hour at work deciding what fast food you’re grabbing on the way home. PGP.
If the art of passive aggressive emails was a college major, I would’ve had an amazing GPA. PGP.
Being stuck between a rock (smelly lady) and a hard place (annoying guy) all day. PGP.