Not having hamburger, so just eating the helper. PGP.
Feeling like you’re on vacation also when your room mate goes out of town for the week. PGP.
Having enough money in your 401k to live comfortably but not enough in your bank account for dinner. PGP.
Making sure no one can see your computer screen from the hall. PGP.
Why is it that the only time I’m motivated to go to the gym is between 9am and 5pm? PGP.
The “I’m not trying to bash teachers…” preface before laying into them for complaining about pay when they get two months and all major holidays off. PGP.
Unsuccessfully comparing work schedules with your girlfriend to find time for a date. PGP.
When your boss describes your title as an “entry level position,” in front of you. PGP.
Submitted a request for two hours of vacation on Thursday to watch USA vs. Germany. Denied. PGP.
Getting a “Your account balance fell below $25 dollars” email twice in the same week. PGP.