
What's the point of language if you don't say how you feel? Fort Worth, TX

Member Since 02/09/2016

21 Power Moves You Can Pull When You’re 30 And Single

A Hypothetical Seinfeld Conversation About Twitter Feuds

The Chronicles Of Todd: Strip Club

Strip Clubs, Seizures, And Exes: These Are The Worst Stories From The Weekend

A Hypothetical ‘Seinfeld’ Conversation About Fidget Spinners

5 Songs From My Youth That I Identify More With As An Adult

The Brunette Across The Room, Part Two

Just spent my morning creating fake meetings on my Outlook calendar for Friday so people can’t hijack it with their bullshit. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Accepted an offer for a new job today and leave for Vegas tomorrow. My out of office is just going to be “I will be out Friday and not will not be returning.” PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Coworker just asked me if I ever drink so much that I feel sick the next morning. I’m hungover right now. PGP.

Post Grad Problems