Scrambling to close out all non-work related tabs before running a TeamViewer session.
That satisfaction of unclipping your ID badge at the end of the day.
Accidentally pressed Speak instead of Paste in Bumble during a conference call. Everyone heard my cheesy pickup line. Now it’s how all my coworkers begin conversations with me.
Using a box of tissues as a napkin dispenser when eating at my desk.
When not even the motion sensor lights in the restroom can recognize your presence.
Boss informed me he will be taking my business trip to San Diego because he “could really use a vacation.”
Using “per my last email” twice before 9:30 a.m. on a Friday to create some momentum before the weekend.
Every time I hear the receptionist say “one moment, I’ll transfer you” I have a panic attack that my phone might be the one that’s about to ring.
Supervisor saying, “We are going to increase your duties around here because we see potential.” Really means, “I am not sure I want to do this any more, and I make more than you. Have fun.”
My company just implemented a new system to crack down on all non-work related web browsing.