Getting free trials and then canceling after it’s over. PGP.
Typing extra loud when your boss walks by. PGP.
“So, ya got any big plans this weekend?” PGP.
Knowing how many days you have to go without dipping or smoking to get a lower life insurance premium. PGP.
Taking vitamins. PGP.
Welcomed back from vacation with a full voicemail and 200 emails. PGP.
Having a work outfit already in your car for those Friday mornings you’re hungover and running late. PGP.
Stashing plastic forks in your desk drawer. PGP.
Giving up and eating lunch in your cubicle. PGP.
Single-ply toilet paper in the stall. PGP.
Owning several items of non-iron clothing but still showing up to work with wrinkles. PGP.
Going off the record on Gchat. PGP.