My last day at my current job is Wednesday. I have nothing to do until then. PGP.
I show up early on Monday and everyone is visibly confused and concerned. PGP
I think the office went to lunch without me. PGP
Ignoring the call on the first ring so my boss thinks I’m actually on the phone with someone.
My work wife just emailed me asking me why I haven’t come into the office yet. PGP.
Every Monday morning: “Is your Outlook frozen?” #PGP
I paid the wedding DJ $20 to play “Shout” this weekend. PGP.
Senior Managers asking for picks in the Office Pool. PGP.
One partner just referred to a client as “skanky” and the other partner responded, “did you know that’s a dance, the skanky leg?” PGP.
Being forced to work with a shorter man who has a raging Napoleon complex. PGP.
“Sounds good.” PGP.
Didnt go out last night. Still feel like shit. PGP