Finding a significant other with good health insurance is my number one priority, because mine is awful. PGP.
The one week on, one month off workout routine. PGP.
The circular reasoning of, “I don’t go out because I don’t have any friends,” and, “I don’t have any friends because I don’t go out.” PGP.
My friend just told me she saw my boss at the bar watching the game. He told me he was going to Staples. PGP.
Somebody emailed the entire office because they lost their roast beef sandwich. PGP.
Showing up to work early just to print out concert tickets on the color printer. PGP.
Doing the math and realizing you’ve already spent an entire paycheck on weddings this summer. PGP.
Having your phone charger at your desk, but not at your apartment. PGP.
There have already been several emails warning us about the consequences of taking a long lunch break for the Germany-United States game. PGP.
That 10am Bio 101 class doesn’t seem so bad anymore. PGP.