
Real Estate Broker by day. Artillery officer by one weekend a month, two weeks a year (when the budget allows.) War hawk so I can get out of my day job.

Member Since 12/02/2013

Giving the boss a little chin music at the company softball game. PGPM.

Post Grad Problems

My little brother just graduated law school in the top five percent of his class. My dog got kicked out of obedience school. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The urge to fiercely urinate woke me up 15 minutes before my alarm. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I’m 100% positive the guy begging for change by my office has a higher net worth than me. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

My friends are all getting engaged. I’m still puking on street corners. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I found out my current job was posted on LinkedIn, so I applied for it. PGPM.

Post Grad Problems

Management has been asking for people to volunteer to take days off to save money on payroll. I volunteered tomorrow so I can go to a job interview. PGPM.

Post Grad Problems

Constantly finding yourself in lose-lose situations. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

My paycheck bounced. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I bet Jake from State Farm makes more than I do. PGP.

Post Grad Problems