Being asked what your plans are for the weekend by older coworkers then extremely disappointing them with your response. PGP.
Passing off a hangover as horrible allergies.
Contemplated calling in a noise complaint on my undergrad neighbors around 11:45pm last night. PGP
Lying about having seen a YouTube video so you don’t have to stand there and watch it.
Just cracked open a tall boy…..of Arizona Iced Tea. PGP.
Saw an old college hookup on a reality show on Bravo. PGP
Gave in my two weeks. People keep saying “We will miss you”. How am I supposed to respond to that? PGP.
One day I am going to tie my tie right the first time #PGP
Listening to stories about people’s kids. PGP
Missing the bachelor party but attending the wedding. PGP.