When you want to search for a new job but don’t want to go through the trouble of updating your resume. PGP.
A typo on my new business cards. PGP.
“I need a drink.” PGP.
The summer intern whom I’d never spoken to added me on LinkedIn after his last day. PGP.
My car was fully covered in bird shit this morning. PGP.
Got invited to get lunch with our vendor today but not to dinner tonight. PGP.
Cute animal videos don’t cheer me up anymore. PGP.
“Hey! How was your vacation? By the way…” PGP.
I was showing a senior analyst something on my laptop and accidentally hit the alt+tab keys, then he saw multiple LinkedIn jobs pages. PGP.
One of my few sane coworkers gave her two weeks today. I’m like, “please don’t leave me here with all these assholes”. PGP.