“Please don’t talk to me. Please don’t talk to me. Please don’t talk to me.” PGP.
Took an Addy for the first time since college. Haven’t gotten any work done, but have the most organized cubicle in my office and am now friends with every new hire. PGP.
Finally wakes up early enough to make a delcious lunch. Office has food catered. PGP.
Really thought I’d be making more money at this age. PGP.
The irony of being a divorce attorney on Tinder. PGP.
Getting locked out of your home computer for typing in your work password multiple times. PGP.
Thought I was getting yelled at via email because it was in all caps. Turns out my coworker is just a moron. PGP.
Getting yelled at for not responding to an email your boss forgot to send in the first place. PGP.
Couples who publicly celebrate monthiversaries, we’re not in middle school anymore. PGP.