Having a rush hour crush. PGP.
I swear this is my last time downloading Tinder. PGP.
Coworker signed an email with “Have a productive day!” and I just wanted to respond “Go fuck yourself!” PGP.
Working out during lunch, then sweating for the next five hours. PGP.
1: “Let’s circle back and touch base on Monday to get these deliverables in to the client by COB. Can you set up a conference call?” 2: “Fuck you.” PGP.
Actually having to check the expiration date on condoms before using them. PGP.
April fools is just a reminder that my life as a whole is a joke.
Drunkenly telling your coworker you want to fuck them during a work trip #PGP
Being unable to determine whether she’s nice or flirting when in the office and afraid of getting referred to HR for trying.