Getting alerts of someone making purchases with my stolen credit card info really ramps up the Sunday Scaries. PGP.
It was 65 degrees on Tuesday. It’s 6 degrees and snowing today. PGP.
I don’t give a damn about your cheat day. PGP.
Left the office 15 minutes before I turned 23. PGP.
Being in a perpetual state of, “NO GOD! NO GOD PLEASE NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOO!” PGP.
Leaving one suit coat at your desk at all times so your boss doesn’t know if you’ve truly left. PGP.
I got drunk and bought the new Air Jordan golf shoes. Jesus help me. PGP.
Day 2 of no internet in the office: things are on the cusp of going full ‘Lord of the Flies’ out here. PGP.