Coworkers acting like they’ve never seen a Catholic on Ash Wednesday. PGP.
Not getting laid for 40 days and telling everyone you gave up sex for Lent. PGP.
The last two girls I have been with have gotten engaged to the guy after me. PGP.
My paycheck feels like a participation award. PGP.
Walking briskly through the office to create an illusion of being busy. PGP
I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t at least a little tired. PGP
Is it seriously only Tuesday? PGP.
If I’m not going to be home by 10 I’m not going to do it. PGP.
Guess I should have done a three year internship to meet entry level job requirements. PGP.
Younger me envisioned adulthood involving a lot more money and a lot more sex. PGP.