
Member Since 03/31/2015

Took the day off, going in anyways because I’m too behind on work.

Post Grad Problems

I’m going to a BYOB wedding, that wasn’t a typo

Post Grad Problems

Woke up 20 minutes before my alarm feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Decided to “shut my eyes for a second” and I woke up to my alarm blaring, feeling like I had pulled an all nighter.

Post Grad Problems

My one goal at work is to go this whole day without anyone finding out it’s my birthday.

Post Grad Problems

My company’s lack of a tuition reimbursement policy confirming my suspicion that they want me to be stuck in this position forever. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I go on more interviews than dates.

Post Grad Problems

Raiding the supply closet for a cheap thrill. PGP

Post Grad Problems

What did people do before excel?

Post Grad Problems

Sort by: Price Low to High. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

“It’s in the company handbook. You read it, right?” PGP.

Post Grad Problems