Coasting on Two Screens


Member Since 09/20/2017

At What Age Do Men Decide To Walk Around Naked In the Locker Room?

30 Pieces Of Advice From A 30-Year-Old Piece Of Shit


I’m Afraid Of Change

“Try to remain productive with your bench time.”

Post Grad Problems

5 Things I Wish I’d Done Differently

Using a box of tissues as a napkin dispenser when eating at my desk.

Post Grad Problems

Boss informed me he will be taking my business trip to San Diego because he “could really use a vacation.”

Post Grad Problems

It’s Not About The Bad Days, It’s How You Respond To Them

Using “per my last email” twice before 9:30 a.m. on a Friday to create some momentum before the weekend.

Post Grad Problems
malcolm gladwell pull the goalie

Malcolm Gladwell’s “Pull The Goalie” Principle And How We Can Apply It To Modern Dating