Spent half my paycheck at Costco. PGP.
Waking up late and getting to work on time means I just found my new wake up time. PGP.
Boss tried to “updog” me this morning. PGP.
Using “It was a short month” as your excuse for being broke at the end of February. PGP.
Printed my resume at work for the new job that I’m interviewing for while my boss was waiting behind me in the line. PGPowerMove.
Getting a good night’s sleep, but still depending on coffee to get through the day. PGP.
Girlfriend puked in an Uber this weekend, considering taking $300 out of a mutual fund that I parked away cash for her engagement ring. PGP.
“…has requested a read receipt on this email.” PGP.
Got caught sneaking in 30 minutes late. PGP