On day 3 of wearing the same pair of dress pants. People have noticed. I don’t care.
My office wife is also my actual wife. PGP
Assuming a member of the opposite sex is flirting with you when they add you on LinkedIn.
Highlight of my day: Credit score increased! PGP.
I may legally be an adult, but don’t be fooled. I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.
The daily morning battle of when I see if I can hold out my poop long enough to make to work so I can be paid to take one.PGP.
Having to make a login account for every job I apply for #PGP
No one has emailed me since noon. Am I dead?
I started tucking my polo into my jeans on casual Friday. I’ve officially given up
Passed out after work and missed the entire GOP debate. PGP.