Sunny and 75 Monday through Thursday. 90% chance of rain Friday through Sunday. PGP.
Threatening to boycott your friends wedding if they don’t have an open bar. PGP
“Did you get that e-mail I just sent you?” PGP.
6 wings and one beer turned into 30 wings and me blacking out at Wing Night. PGP
I got 99 problems and money is all of them.
Clocking in at 8:30 am, being done at 12 pm, waiting to go home at 5 pm. PGP.
Having to learn from Forbes Magazine that my undergraduate degree is useless. PGP.
I eat lunch in my car just to be by myself for a few minutes. PGP.
When you wake up 3 minutes before your alarm will go off but you still try to fall back asleep anyway. PGP.
My little brothers job out of college offered a higher salary than I currently make.