“I don’t know anyone at this wedding.” PGP.
My title means nothing. PGP.
I think I’ve had a bottle of wine tonight, but it’s in a box so I can’t tell. PGP.
I think I might do some yard work this weekend. PGP.
The deep concentration squint at your computer when the boss passes by your office. PGP.
That sinking feeling when you realize you relate to PGP posts much more than TFM posts. PGP.
I didn’t realize dry spells were a real thing. PGP.
“I can already tell this is going to be another 60 hour week.” PGP.
Minimizing the web browser whenever you hear footsteps. PGP.
New title, same pay. PGP.
The reply-all button. PGP.
The boss is with me all week. PGP.