Making eye contact with the person entering the bathroom stall after you. PGP.
The sad realization that half your coworkers have offices bigger than the bedroom in your crappy, overpriced apartment. PGP.
Joey Fatone is doing Bosley commercials. PGP.
My parents congratulated me on getting a date. PGP.
Tempting fate every morning with your Fiber One bar-coffee-dip routine. PGP.
I’m subconsciously trying to get myself fired, and if I don’t figure out how to stop it, it’s going to work. PGP.
Everyone forgetting who you are following your return from a long business trip. PGP.
Your coworker turning down the heat because of hot flashes. PGP.
Having meetings to prepare for other meetings. PGP.
Relying on trashy Facebook friends from your hometown to make you feel better about yourself. PGP.
Somehow accomplishing a pit stain while sitting at your desk. PGP.
Being sarcastically told “That’s why you get paid the big bucks!” for completing a simple task. PGP.