Waiting for PGP to post new columns on Monday morning. PGP.
The bathroom window has been open for literally a month. Either no one else has noticed or no one cares. PGP.
“My bonus gets taxed too?” PGP.
Knowing the end of one cold streak probably just means the start of another. PGP.
Consulting with your physician before attempting a new diet and workout regimen. PGP.
Actively avoiding the guy practicing his golf swing at the office. PGP.
It smells like a dead rat in our office, because a rat died in the vents and they haven’t dealt with it yet. PGP.
Snuck beer onto a public beach where alcohol is prohibited, just to feel young again. PGP.
Not sure what’s harder to find, an empty, odor-free bathroom at work or a single attractive girl over 25 without major problems. PGP.
Every Friday at noon my boss tells me to “Have a good weekend, kiddo” as he heads out the door. PGP.
I’m so bored, I just went to the bathroom for a change of scenery. PGP.
Could have joined my family for a beautiful 10-day vacation in Hawaii. Instead, I was a bridesmaid in three weddings. PGP.