Starting to notice how much my boss and Bill Lumbergh actually have in common. PGP.
Burned myself while ironing my shirt this morning. PGP.
Hungover from drinking all day Sunday by myself. PGP.
When it smells like skunk outside the office and you’re not sure if there was an actual skunk or if the guy from IT has been smoking the chronic. PGP.
Sorry my desk is a mess. PGP.
Just got a new work laptop, it’s from 2011. PGP.
Ending your run at the liquor store, buying a bottle, and walking the last five blocks home. PGP.
“Accepting a new offer, giving 2 weeks” kind of a day. PGPowerMove.
Cried on my birthday. PGP.
I still use a BlackBerry. PGP.
*Notices raccoon eyes* I must have forgot to taken off my makeup last night *uses makeup remover*. Oh, nope, those are just the bags under my eyes. PGP.
Ran out of work do to before lunch. PGP.