Wednesday: Finally feel recovered from the weekend. Thursday: Happy hour. PGP.
Blowing your weekly budget on a deductible at the pharmacy. PGP.
My cable went out during Jeopardy last night. PGP.
Spending more money on food at the gas station than the grocery store. PGP.
FOMCC. Fear of making cold calls. PGP.
The circular reasoning of, “I don’t go out because I don’t have any friends,” and, “I don’t have any friends because I don’t go out.” PGP.
There have already been several emails warning us about the consequences of taking a long lunch break for the Germany-United States game. PGP.
Just flirted with a sorority girl for two minutes and thought, “I still got it.” PGP.
Getting a new match on Tinder gives me the same false promise that my degree did. PGP.
That 10am Bio 101 class doesn’t seem so bad anymore. PGP.