
Full time employee. Temp employee wages.

Member Since 05/21/2014

90% of the emails I send start with “Sorry for the delay.” PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Leaving your work laptop on your dining room table, but hiding your personal one, that way if somebody breaks in you have a decoy laptop. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Pooping in peace should be a basic human right. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

When your annual raise doesn’t even keep up with the cost of inflation. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The only text I received today was from Papa John’s. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Almost got hit by a car walking to work today. Wish I had. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

What Your Unemployment Excuses Actually Mean

The thought that one day I may be responsible for raising children is an absolute fucking joke. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Completely inflating your job responsibilities to anyone who has no chance of finding out you’re a fake. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

There’s nothing like pouring off-brand syrup on off-brand Eggo waffles to remind you that your college degree was abso-fucking-lutely worth it. PGP.

Post Grad Problems