Getting bummed realizing I won’t be able to max out my Roth IRA contributions this year. PGP.
Making mac and cheese for dinner for the thousandth time, but still needing to look at the box for directions. PGP.
Having to wait to until the boss orders drinks at dinner to read the situation. PGP.
Need a job to get experience, need experience to get a job. PGP.
When hitting that long red light in the morning means losing a good spot in the fridge for your lunch. PGP.
I used to have the best memory. Now, I tell the same story 5 times and can’t remember what I ate for breakfast. PGP.
Just got a rejection email from a job I applied for over a year ago. PGP.
Just found out I have weddings on back to back days next June. Already have the scaries. PGP.
Going to a coworker’s “Last Day Happy Hour,” eating a free plate of food, drinking free beer, and not saying goodbye to the person quitting. PGP.
Playing basketball on weekday nights outdoors. Referred to now as old man. PGP.