I just want to drink Budweiser all day and fish. Don’t need to go to Tahiti, or go skydiving. Just give me a daily sixer of Bud Heavy, a fishing rod, and some bait, and I’ll be set.
Rand Paul was the best but he’s gone now too. Cruz is okay, at least on econimics. Would still rather Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich over Trump, Sanders or Clinton though. If it’s Trump vs Democrat I’m not voting.
1. If you hate baseball, why do you have to pick a team? Just don’t go to either park.
2. You’re a communist asshole for hating baseball.
3. Pretty sure you’re Steve Holt. Contrarian remote writer from Chicago who is also clearly a communist? You have Steve Holt written all over you.
Sunday after NYE is the absolute worst. The holiday rush is over and if you live up north you have nothing but 2 and a half months of bitter cold and in my case, no built in 3 day weekends until Memorial Day.
New York is the most overrated city on Earth. If you want 11 hour work days, fair weather sports fans to drown out the real ones, having roommates in your 40’s, assholes everywhere, and to live paycheck to paycheck on a six figure salary, go ahead, be a cliche and move to NewYork.
I feel like an appropriate Grandex perk would be:
Flies you back to your college town every year for Homecoming and provides you with $1,000 towards tailgate supplies.
Well, I don’t have any black friends and I always pay when out with a woman anyway, so guess I don’t need this.
I just want to drink Budweiser all day and fish. Don’t need to go to Tahiti, or go skydiving. Just give me a daily sixer of Bud Heavy, a fishing rod, and some bait, and I’ll be set.
Can I please come work at Grandex?
I really hope it makes some puff piece on weird write in votes when I literally write “Cube-A-Saurus” on my ballot
Oh I’d bet $1245 and a box of Uncle Ben’s on it.
Rand Paul was the best but he’s gone now too. Cruz is okay, at least on econimics. Would still rather Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich over Trump, Sanders or Clinton though. If it’s Trump vs Democrat I’m not voting.
1. If you hate baseball, why do you have to pick a team? Just don’t go to either park.
2. You’re a communist asshole for hating baseball.
3. Pretty sure you’re Steve Holt. Contrarian remote writer from Chicago who is also clearly a communist? You have Steve Holt written all over you.
Sunday after NYE is the absolute worst. The holiday rush is over and if you live up north you have nothing but 2 and a half months of bitter cold and in my case, no built in 3 day weekends until Memorial Day.
I’m from from just west of Newark and work in Fort Lee. This was really relatable. It’s snowing now so I’m looking at a 3-4 hour 23 mile commute.
Trader Moe’s 100 Calorie Alcohol Free Duff Shake.
You’re from Bergen County aren’t you? Shadow of NYC, malls, generic towns, outrageous property taxes. Has to be Bergen County.
Brian loved #12…
Btw from what I can tell that rant applies to Boston and DC as well
New York is the most overrated city on Earth. If you want 11 hour work days, fair weather sports fans to drown out the real ones, having roommates in your 40’s, assholes everywhere, and to live paycheck to paycheck on a six figure salary, go ahead, be a cliche and move to NewYork.
Really expected Dorn to write this. He still uses A/S/L daily.
I feel like an idiot for previously defending him. Guy truly lacks class.
I feel like an appropriate Grandex perk would be:
Flies you back to your college town every year for Homecoming and provides you with $1,000 towards tailgate supplies.
Less Bedford Stop girls, more afternoon live blogs from casual chain bars.
Dorn wouldn’t brag if some dude’s college age girlfriend had a crush on him. Too old, wrong gender.