I know far more about the history and corporate structure of Sterling Cooper than the company I actually work for. PGP
Booking a vacation over a year out, so I can save enough to pay for it. PGP.
“Swiped right” being our generation’s “high school sweethearts” story told during wedding vows.
Went up another survey age bracket.
Last Friday night I ordered checks and went to bed at 10:30. PGP.
Frank the Tank having a, “pretty nice little Saturday,” lined up. PGP
People my age are winding down their professional sports careers.
My friends moms aren’t hot anymore.
Being asked what your plans are for the weekend by older coworkers then extremely disappointing them with your response. PGP.
My boss insists that I drive his car to client meetings so he can get the mileage reimbursement. PGP.