
Member Since 03/16/2016

  • Not_Kimberly 7 years ago on Please Stop Asking Me When I’m Having Kids

    What’s super hard is when you legit cannot have kids and you really want them and people just keep hounding you about it. You use vague answers for years like “when the time is right” or “hopefully one day soon” or “we just have so much we want to do first” because honestly its no one’s freaking business if/when you and your partner ever have kids, but finally you break and tell people that you cannot have kids despite years of treatments and new plans and false hope, and their response is, “well you never know what can happen one day”.

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  • Not_Kimberly 7 years ago on Road Trips Are Just Better When You're Alone

    I was with you until this line “At everyone’s core, no one really wants to do another human being a favor.” WRONG lots of people enjoy doing favors for other people.

    I’m with you on the solo road trip though, only option I prefer more is if someone else is driving and I’m passed out in the back seat only waking up when we reach our destination.

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  • Not_Kimberly 7 years ago on What's For Dinner? March 15, 2017

    Rodeo season in Houston and I’m headed there for the third night in 6 days. Looking like tonight is going to be the footlong jalapeno and cheese sausage on a stick, fried oreos, and a blue moon.

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  • Not_Kimberly 7 years ago on Some Idiots Are Spending Thousands On A Ridiculous New Type Of Wedding Invitation

    LOL, so you’re going to post “thanks for the blender (or whatever gift they got you) we really love it and have already started making smoothies in it (or whatever the expressed intent of the gift is) We’ll think of y’all everytime we use it” 300 times ON FACEBOOK? I would be so embarassed if my husband had this take on gratitude.

    And, no. I’m not saying the delivery method is more important than the intent BUT your approach is lazy, and pedestrian. If you can’t take a few hours to write out thank you cards you don’t deserve to receive gifts. We did ours on our flight to our honeymoon. A few cocktails and literally being confined to a small space for 7 hours made for the perfect scenario to knock them out.

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  • Not_Kimberly 7 years ago on I'm Going To Lose This Weight, Dammit

    Good Luck! I had to drop around 30 pounds after college and what did it for me, aside from cleaning up my eating, was finding a good workout program that mixed both cardio and strength training. Someone told me once that “muscle eats fat” and idk how true it is, but I really like the mental image I get of my muscle literally devouring my fat.

    It takes a lot of courage to ask total internet strangers to hold you accountable to something so personal, you’ve a supporter in me though!!

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  • Not_Kimberly 7 years ago on I'm Getting Into Yoga Because I've Reached A New Level Of Washed

    Yoga classes at a gym, not a fancy yuppie yoga studio are (in my opinion) the best place to start. They’re free with your membership, and basically everyone in them is bad. Once you get comfortable with the pose names and can successfully flow from one pose to another, try out the studio.

    Oh, and don’t be too embarassed to use the props like the yoga straps and blocks. They help you learn the correct form of the poses before you’re flexible enough to get all the way into them without help. And bring a towel, yoga sweat is no joke.

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  • Not_Kimberly 7 years ago on This Weekend In Fun

    Temps in the mid 80’s this weekend so we’ll be day drinking outside on a patio somewhere while we can still stand it. Gotta love the “seasons” here in Houston. Oh, and the farmers market, that’s a saturday morning staple in the ‘burbs.

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