“Show me the law where it says we can’t make interns do wall-sits.” PGP.
I guess they’re just giving caps and gowns to everyone now.
Getting issued a company laptop is awesome until you realize it means you are expected to work from home now. PGP.
I give up. PGP.
Spending more time deciding what you are going to have for lunch than actually working. PGP.
“Congratulations, your LinkedIn Profile had 1 view last week.” PGP.
I created an entire imaginary future based on the one job application I just filled out. PGP.
I no longer care if a client sees that I looked them up on LinkedIn right after a call to see if they are hot or not. PGP.
Frantically turning the volume down when what you thought was just an ESPN article turns out to be a video. PGP.
A feeling of absolute rage and hollow sense of defeat upon being told about the mandatory 4:30 Friday meeting. PGP.