Searching your conference call host on LinkedIn only to discover they’re not as hot as they sounded. PGP.
You can tell a lot about someone by how they handle a double-booked conference room. PGP.
RE: The person that starts their email message in the subject line…And finishes their statement in the actual email. PGP.
Spending an hour trying to find the one error in a 40-page Excel workbook that effects every formula. PGP.
Wishing you could BCC a text message. PGP.
I share a cubical with my supervisor. He sends me passive aggressive emails daily, but we haven’t spoke in weeks. PGP.
There are teachers that make more than me and get all summer off. PGP.
Celebrated my 1-year anniversary with a phone interview in my car during lunch. PGP.
That moment of anxiety between logging into your bank account and waiting for the page to load. PGP.