I was showing a senior analyst something on my laptop and accidentally hit the alt+tab keys, then he saw multiple LinkedIn jobs pages. PGP.
I’m the only one in my office who doesn’t care how that schmuck met their mother. PGP
I live and work in two different time zones. PGP.
Copy and pasting PGP articles into Word so it looks like I’m working on a report. PGPM.
Accepted a job offer this morning and already my productivity at my current job has plummeted. Haven’t even given notice yet.
My first Vegas trip is next week. It’s a business trip. PGP.
“Awesome-Sauce.” PGP.
Today I’ve stared at a blank computer screen. That’s it. PGP.
The Cubicle Bod. PGP.
The feeling of walking into an empty restroom. PGP