I probably peaked at 21. Maybe 22. PGP.
Coworkers acting like they’ve never seen a Catholic on Ash Wednesday. PGP.
Not getting laid for 40 days and telling everyone you gave up sex for Lent. PGP.
I have got to stop drinking like I’m still in college. PGP.
Team Snapchat was the only person to wish me a happy Valentine’s Day. PGP.
The last two girls I have been with have gotten engaged to the guy after me. PGP.
Too old to sit in the student section, too rowdy to be tolerated in the regular seats. #PGP
Younger me envisioned adulthood involving a lot more money and a lot more sex. PGP.
Kentucky (-18) to make rent. PGP.
The quality of my Wednesday hinges on where some 17-year-old decides to go to college. PGP.