
Recent college grad, working in Manhattan, who has regular anxiety attacks due to the fact that she knows she will most likely end up living in a cardboard box for the rest of her life.

Member Since 07/18/2013

Never having anything positive to say when asked, “How are you doing?” PGP.

Post Grad Problems

When you’re so bored that you actually start doing some work. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

My “tax refund” this year is as depressing as the elevator ride up to my office every day. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

These People REALLY Went All Out In Their Insane Wedding Video

The “Friends” Finale Was Better Than The “HIMYM” Finale In Every Possible Way

I literally do not know how to ask for days off.

Post Grad Problems

4 Myths About Lulu That Guys Need To Stop Believing

My boss quotes himself in his email signature

Post Grad Problems

My girlfriend gave up sex for lent.

Post Grad Problems

Receiving EOD requests at 4:58pm

Post Grad Problems