Every time I have to use an exclamation point in an email, I die a little inside. PGP.
When your wife gets on your computer and types “p” into the web browser and Pornhub.com pops up. PGP.
Jacking it within 5 minutes of getting home from work. PGP.
I’ll endorse you on LinkedIn if you endorse me. PGP.
My alma-mater has switched conferences since I was in school. PGP.
Could I borrow you for a sec? PGP.
Asking your girlfriend to move in with you to save money. PGP.
Credit card roulette. PGP.
I’ll start working out again on Monday. PGP.
Growing to love the buzz of the fluorescent lighting in your office. PGP.
Accidental weeknight blackouts. PGP.
“What is twerking?” PGP.