My parents told me that becoming a nun would solve both my employment and relationship problems. PGP.
My cable went out during Jeopardy last night. PGP.
Actually feeling disappointment when you have a quick bowel movement because you were looking forward to escaping for a while. PGP.
Honestly missing writing political science papers because at least then you were thinking. PGP.
Thinking to yourself “…there’s no way this can be right,” when your bank account hits four digits. PGP.
My college girlfriend telling me, “You don’t have fun anymore”. PGP.
My Windows password currently has “Natty Light” incorporated in it. PGP.
Participating in the company blood drive only to duck out of work for a few hours. PGP.
The simultaneous group of pings around the office when a conversation starts to unfold in the company group chat app. PGP.
Been tired since 2009. PGP.
Being on a first-name basis with the manager at Chipotle. PGP.
Your boss interrupting a call he made to you with “Hold on while I hit this next shot.” PGP.