When I started working here, the organizational chart seemed pretty clear. Now, I answer to four different people. PGP.
Spending more time perfecting my work playlist than doing actual work. PGP.
My favorite pen is an advertisement for Viagra. PGP.
Just had to fire the intern. Back to the bottom of the totem pole. PGP.
Three-day weekend means my credit card bill is through the roof. PGP.
Realizing you’d rather start at the bottom somewhere else than advance within your current organization. PGP.
College girls think I’m too told. Girls I meet out think I’m too young. PGP.
This morning, I had a bag of airline peanuts for breakfast from a flight I had last week. PGP.
I’m the only person in my office that didn’t take an extra day for the 4th. PGP.
There are hundreds of fruit flies terrorizing the break room. PGP.
When my parents asked me what I wanted for my birthday this year, I asked for a sonicare toothbrush. PGP.
Forgetting everything you read on Friday in preparation for a Monday morning meeting. PGP.