This morning I parked next to a guy sleeping in his car. PGP.
Last night was live music night at the local Applebee’s. It was pretty good. PGP
My parents bought me tires for my birthday, and I’ve never been more excited.
Put in my 2 weeks, they talked me into staying 3.
It’s not that I’m lazy, it’s that I just don’t care….
God, what I wouldn’t give to be the name tag on Scarlett Johansson’s shirt right about now. Or Chris Evans’.
Who needs birth control when you can just listen to your coworkers bitch about their kids all day, everyday.
Threatening to boycott your friends wedding if they don’t have an open bar. PGP
The woman behind me is flossing at her desk.
I had to ask someone if I could email them a document because I don’t know how to work a fax machine. PGP.