
Member Since 09/29/2017

  • TobiasFunke 7 years ago on Wow, I Really Don’t Know Shit About Weddings

    As a guy, you have it easier, IMHO. If you’re asked to be a part of the wedding party, the groom gives instructions (from the bride, probably) about the things you’ve mentioned. Weddings have colors and or themes and you’ll be told whether you need to buy a suit, rent a tux, and what kind, color, etc. The best man is usually in charge of the Bachelor party, so again, you have someone telling you what to do in terms of cost, where to be and how to get there. One thing about weddings in general and ESPECIALLY being in the wedding that cannot be overstated….weddings are EXPENSIVE AS FUCK. Especially the older you get. I’m a lawyer and my friends are lawyers and everyone is getting married now and we’re all a few years out and everyone is starting to make more money so whereas one of my sorority sisters got engaged at 23 right after graduation and we pretty much stayed in town because it was cheap for her Bachelorette party. Now it’s like lets get a fucking suite in Vegas and bottle service every night. Whatever you’ve budgeted, double it.

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  • TobiasFunke 7 years ago on Basic Law School Questions Answered By A Lawyer-Podcast Guy

    UF Law grad here. Current prosecutor (by choice, not as in couldn’t get a job anywhere else). Speaking for the state of Florida only, if you cannot get into UF, FSU, Miami or Stetson do not go to one of Florida’s other law schools. Cooley is consistently ranked on Above the Law (check it out it’s like the PGP of law students/ young lawyers) as the worst law school in the US. Barry, FAMU, Coastal, and St. Thomas have laughable Bar passage rates and absolutely fuck you in tuition costs. Law school for some reason has the reputation that if nothing else works out you can “just” go to law school. You can’t. You really really really need to be completely honest with yourself and decide if the mental and financial strain is worth it. If you’re scoring in the 150’s on the LSAT with a mediocre GPA, you’ll get into a law school, but it won’t be a good one and you’ll be stuck with $100k plus of debt and no one will want to hire you. Multiple jobs here only look at people from UF/FSU Law. Now it’s different if you have the benefit of nepotism and have a parent, etc whose going to give you a job, but that’s any industry. Also, the Bar is really fucking hard. Not just the two days (in Florida) you take it but the months before of 10-12+ hours of studying a day, coupled with potentially not even having a job offer before you take it. This month, the Florida Bar Journal’s cover story is all about mental health and well-being for lawyers because this profession is not kind to your mental health at any stage. I love what I do, but I was unique in that I knew I wanted to do it since I was a kid and had the benefit of knowing some attorneys before I took the plunge AND who spoke to me honestly about these drawbacks and I still have bad days mental health wise.

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  • TobiasFunke 7 years ago on Adults Who Love Disney World Weird Me Out

    I’m from Orlando and loathe Disney and don’t live there anymore but when I meet new people (I’m 29) they lose their minds over that. “OMG YOU ARE SO LUCKY DO YOU HAVE AN ANNUAL PASS???”

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  • TobiasFunke 7 years ago on Why Do Office Baby Showers Exist?

    We call it a fucking “Baby Sprinkle” at my office. The first time I heard that I rolled my eyes so hard I thought I pulled the muscles in my eyes. I’m all about the DINK life but I work at an office that’s great for working mothers. There’s like a new baby announcement every month that sure as shit comes with a “sprinkle”

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  • TobiasFunke 7 years ago on Confessions Of A Picky Eater

    I was a strict chicken fingers and fries person from like toddler age until college and then literally one day I just started liking a ton more foods. I still hated seafood and sushi and eggs, but then like a year ago I gave sushi, lobster, scallops a try and am all about them. Just the smell of eggs still make me gag though. I can’t do eggs. I have no explanation on why my tastebuds suddenly changed, but I’m happy they did, because I was the author for the longest time.

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