Just by looking at their company organization, you can see that there are a ton of “VPs” and “directors”, and there’s like nobody over the age of 40. Looks like a lot of chiefs and not enough indians.
It’s all fun and games until a rando gets knocked up and you lose 20% of your income to child support. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you. Although you seem like the type that would skip town so nvm.
Bone App the Teeth
Bless you 19th Hole for your sacrifices today
Just by looking at their company organization, you can see that there are a ton of “VPs” and “directors”, and there’s like nobody over the age of 40. Looks like a lot of chiefs and not enough indians.
Austin, no cults whatsoever right? Come to the Chicken sometime I’ll get a pitcher.
The fast food joint from Cloud Atlas may soon become a reality.
People-watched my old college town’s bar scene this past weekend to find out that backwards visors and Hawaiian shirts, and chokers are IN this year.
You know what else has a 69 percent failure rate? Deez nuts
A shame they couldn’t open the doors I’d bug outta there quick.
First for *would*.
At the very least being a car guy means you’re not a total beta male if you wrench it yourself.
Thank you for wearing your safety harness. 30 years and above exceeds OSHA’s limitations on great abysses.
Been waiting for the day I get to read a published column of yours.
Lol. How does the quote go…”can’t bullshit a bullshitter”? That’s pretty much how I am with safety.
It’s all fun and games until a rando gets knocked up and you lose 20% of your income to child support. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you. Although you seem like the type that would skip town so nvm.
Take so hot needs oven mitts. That bit about the mushroom though, spot on.
It’s more fictional blogging than an actual story, structure and plot not necessary.
You played yourself, never play yourself.