
An Australian living in London and moving to the US. He got exhausted just writing about that. Spends his days cruising the internet while pretending to write important documents that no one will read.

Member Since 03/27/2014

In Between Kegs And Kids

SHOCKING NEWS: Having More Sex Means Having A Better Career

I Got Drunk And Emailed Jethro Tull’s Manager Last Night

What Your Girlfriend Really Thinks About You: Then And Now

The 8 Great Snapchat Crimes

A confident “Well, that’s all for me today,” after spending an hour cleaning out your inbox on a Friday. PGPM.

Post Grad Problems

Your Favorite Twitter Account Is Stealing Your Shit And Getting Paid For It

The Best Dad Bodies In Hollywood And Why Women Love Them

Humpday Hookup Horror Stories: The Devil’s Three

8 Easy Halloween Costume Ideas For Any Postgrad On A Budget