
An Australian living in London and moving to the US. He got exhausted just writing about that. Spends his days cruising the internet while pretending to write important documents that no one will read.

Member Since 03/27/2014

  • RainingOnMe 10 years ago on The PGP Weekly Dating Q&A: What To Do When You’re The Other Girl

    He never said that guys can’t have female friends. He is saying that this relationship is dysfunctional. I quote:

    “Every girl reading this should think of all their guy friends and how you met. They should all have a reason. You or your friend went to high school or college with him. You have family that’s known one another for years. You used to hook up with his college roommate and you’ve already seen his poo streaked underwear and, ironically, he sees you as damaged goods. There’s a very specific story for every one of your real guy friends that’s based in truth and honesty and is mutually beneficial.”

    If you start the friendship with honesty, you’re all good. If you start it by saying “We’re BEST FRIENDS” when really you want to touch their special places, then sorry, that won’t work.

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  • RainingOnMe 10 years ago on Netflix: Now Hiring Professional Binge Watchers

    Actually, there’s a state funded health care system. The NHS and all it’s services are free. So me, someone who never goes to the doctor, is paying for the douche who goes to the ER for a stubbed toe. Trust me, it’s balls.

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  • RainingOnMe 10 years ago on The 5 Different Types Of Postgrad Poverty

    It’s almost worth going being the austerity master for the first five years of your first proper job (read: entry level job in your chosen field. Bar tending doesn’t count) just to get your student loans right down. That last sentence of #5 really hit the nail on the head though.

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  • RainingOnMe 10 years ago on Grill Tools That Will Make You A True Grill Master

    There is literally no reason for a thermometer. If you don’t know how to properly cook a steak to medium rare (the only way a steak should be consumed), back away from the grill. Also, it is literally impossible to get food poisoning from a steak. You can put it on for 10 seconds each side and you are good to go. My Uncle used to eat his steak this way (it’s called a Blue steak, in case you were wondering).

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  • RainingOnMe 10 years ago on What Single People Assume Marriage Is Like

    Did you read the article? He was talking about being married and not having kids is the life he covets, not married and with kids.

    How hard is it to read an article properly? You’re the person in the office who reads one paragraph of an executive summary and basis their entire argument on it.

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  • RainingOnMe 10 years ago on We’re Supporting America, Not Soccer

    I understand what you mean. It is exactly the same in Australia. However I don’t think you are right. For example, the A-League (Australia’s league) would be lucky to be in the top 20 leagues in the world, however every game still pulls 15,000 people (which is decent considering our total population is 24M, and at least 15M of that is in the three major coastal cities).

    It started with a good performance at the 2006 World Cup. You will be amazed what a first success, WELL WATCHED (this is key), tournament can do, especially when it is in a sport that isn’t pretty much isolated in the US.

    I definitely see MLS challenging MLB and NHL. In today’s world, baseball has so little action people’s limited attention span just doesn’t get engaged often enough. And I agree with the comment that people who say they like baseball but hate soccer because it is “boring” are pretty much straight up retarded.

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