Both my fiance and I work less than 15 minutes from our house. A few times we would come home for lunch and knock boots while a Digiorno pizza baked in the oven. Not a bad way to spend a lunch break, except now everytime I start to cook a Digiorno pizza I get turned on
Not to overanalyze the situation but does anyone else feel like the girl wants to get engaged just because its the next logical step in her relationship…not because she truly wants to be with him?
I wondered the same thing. I live in a nice suburb 20 minutes from downtown. My mortgage payment on my 3 bedroom house, with escrow, is less than my friends pay for a 1 bedroom in the same suburb. And my neighborhood is safe enough to actually live in!
On my last day at my old job I served my work spouse with fake divorce papers. They demanded half my stuff. I gave them my coffee mug and stapler instead.
She will continue to be expensive, but get old and start looking like shit without bringing additional value. I believe this is the textbook definition of a “Depreciating Asset”
A quick twitter search shows that she called off their wedding
Both my fiance and I work less than 15 minutes from our house. A few times we would come home for lunch and knock boots while a Digiorno pizza baked in the oven. Not a bad way to spend a lunch break, except now everytime I start to cook a Digiorno pizza I get turned on
Please tell me I’m not the only one to google “Bulletproof Coffee”
Protip: Delta lets you use the delta website for free while in flight. I use this to check my connecting flights while I’m traveling.
You eat dinner at 4:30? Is this so you have time to catch a movie with your AARP discount later?
THB I once did a friend’s taxes (federal, state and city) while I was drunk. It was a bet. I got dinner out of it.
You are aware that PGP doesn’t specifically choose the ads that you see. Ads appear based on your internet history (similar to facebook).
I’ve learned that morning sex is like stopping at Starbucks. You have to get up early and plan for it or else it’s not happening.
Not to overanalyze the situation but does anyone else feel like the girl wants to get engaged just because its the next logical step in her relationship…not because she truly wants to be with him?
Married: buy for dividends and not earnings. The sex is consistant, not super hot and not super cold.
I wondered the same thing. I live in a nice suburb 20 minutes from downtown. My mortgage payment on my 3 bedroom house, with escrow, is less than my friends pay for a 1 bedroom in the same suburb. And my neighborhood is safe enough to actually live in!
Where the fuck do you work? That escalated quickly…
Caroline isn’t Todd’s girlfriend. Caroline is Todd’s girlfriend’s friend. Todd’s girlfriend’s name hasn’t been revealed.
Take a lap, sport.
On my last day at my old job I served my work spouse with fake divorce papers. They demanded half my stuff. I gave them my coffee mug and stapler instead.
Do girla actually plan on becoming a trophy wife? I was under the impression that becoming a trophy wife just sort of happens after.
Guess she won’t need that master’s degree she was contemplating getting last week…
Having packages delivered to work. PGPM
My old boss purposely put 3 exemptions on his W4 and he is single. He would rather owe money than “give the government an interest free loan”.
She will continue to be expensive, but get old and start looking like shit without bringing additional value. I believe this is the textbook definition of a “Depreciating Asset”
“Not getting free coffee at work.” PGP
When I first clicked on this headline, I thought it would be a rant about Starbucks changing the terms of the rewards program. That’s bad enough!