Most people don’t realize how much of a detriment being sub-5’10” is until they’ve experience post-grad dating and found that it’s a hard line standard for about 85% of women regardless of their own height
If it makes you feel any better on my first night out in 2018 I lost my phone and had to get a replacement at full price, so I’m currently drowning in credit card debt bc lord knows driving for Uber doesn’t afford one a lavish lifestyle.
9 minute snooze is Apple reminding us that we’re slaves to their brand and they can do whatever they want. Time to hop on the Pixel train, green texts be damned.
Most people don’t realize how much of a detriment being sub-5’10” is until they’ve experience post-grad dating and found that it’s a hard line standard for about 85% of women regardless of their own height
I didn’t see “fiscally responsible” as a reason to BnB over lavish vacation so I’m gonna chuck that up for consideration
I don’t mean it sucks that intelligence matters more. I just didn’t care about it as much when I was in college
Intelligence becoming a dating standard. PGP
That’s fair, I’m not particularly proud of being a cheap fuck
Every relationship I ever had started with a Panera date. Cheap, simple, variety menu that ensures they’ll like at least one thing there.
*Disclaimer: Every relationship I ever had also ended with me getting dumped so take it with a grain of salt.
If you walk slow in NYC you should be quarantined to Times Square
Minimum wages for that standard of efficiency is absolutely bananas
Texting blows, there’s too many mind games involved. I’ll take a straightforward 5 minutes on the phone 10/10 times.
That show would get so much more love if they didn’t originally market the bejeezus out of her as the big draw
Reading this reminded me that my rent actually is due this Wednesday and now my scaries are running rampant
Making the hug vs. handshake decision gives me mild anxiety every time.
This is painfully relatable.
If it makes you feel any better on my first night out in 2018 I lost my phone and had to get a replacement at full price, so I’m currently drowning in credit card debt bc lord knows driving for Uber doesn’t afford one a lavish lifestyle.
Part of my childhood went away when they changed the name from Tagalongs to Peanut Butter Patties. Piss-poor move on the Girl Scout’s PR team
I’d say Aziz Ansari had himself a pretty shitty Sunday
9 minute snooze is Apple reminding us that we’re slaves to their brand and they can do whatever they want. Time to hop on the Pixel train, green texts be damned.
This comment hits home but I’m glad to know I’m not the only one with the exact same problem. Keep on keepin’ on my man
Fuck you’re right. Apologies for letting that one slip, brain still hasn’t rebooted from the weekend
Let’s call a spade a spade, Valentine’s Day blows. The next real holiday we have to look forward to is MDW.
…In four and a half months.