
Optimistic pessimist, Profoundly unimportant

Member Since 01/07/2014

  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on 21 Power Moves You Can Pull When You Move Into A New Neighborhood

    Well, if the majority of our taxes didn’t go to the military industrial complex to churn out death machines and prop up imperialistic evil while also helping pay down the loan interest that the central banks and the government pay the Federal Reserve when it loans them money, then we could actually have a society that sort of makes sense and maybe drive on nicer roads, have actual educated people that won’t have to pay for a watered down degree out of pocket just to get a job at or slightly below the poverty line for the first few years, and have more money in our own pockets to improve our own communities and homes while eliminating debt on an efficient time scale. I mean, this country was founded on the escape of religious persecution and evading high taxes from an oligarchic monarchy, so maybe we can do the same thing except on a different planet with the help of SpaceX

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on 12 TV Shows With The Most Annoying Fanbases

    Anyone else with me in this one: I can’t stand the people the watch Maury Povich’s talk show in syndication. Like, we get it, family’s are fucked up because people individually and as a societal whole are fucked up like what did you expect when you decided to shoot your penis off inside a god damn ham cathedral?

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Bachelor Party Essentials From A Guy Who's Been To Way Too Many Of These Things

    I’ve been to a good amount of these things. So now, I basically just show up and expect to get drunk, maybe see some bewbs, get more drunk, maybe try and see what cocaine smells like, drink some more, get in fights with taxi drivers over directions, throw some dice on a table and celebrate vicarious wins (mostly losses), forget everything, then go home feeling like a bag of ca-ca

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on 21 Power Moves You Can Pull When You Move Into A New Neighborhood

    Judging by your profile pic of Screech (Dustin Diamond) from Saved By The Bell, you’re Jewish and we all know that the Jewish own Hollywood and most of the media industry. You also wouldn’t know what it’s like to hang Christmas light displays because of the Jewish faith (this is the only thing I learned from religion, the rest is pretty much common sense). You don’t fool me Dustin, I know your house was the un-lit one on the block during Christmas time unless your family was one of those hybrids who attempted to assimilate in the neighborhood culture…or you just grew up in a Jewish neighborhood that can’t be seen from space during the holiday season lol… what the fuck am I talking about, guys?

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Hypothetical Reality TV Shows You'd Actually Be Able To Relate To

    “That doesn’t go there”

    Watch as we follow around a young man who is new to the working world who begins to learn where things don’t go like parking his car downtown between weird timing rules and street cleaning times, the bigger sized paper goes in a different tray and the regular paper in the work printer, his penis in the girl he met at happy hour’s ass, the engagement ring for previous girl doesn’t go on the right hand, can’t put a baby in the dishwasher…or the washer/dryer, toilet paper on the vanity in the bathroom as opposed to the roll holder thing on the wall, the toilet seat staying up, his car into a pharmacy display window after he snaps and just wants to get high to run away from life because he doesn’t know where he himself goes in the illusion that is life lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Everything In Your Apartment That You Should Have Tossed A Long Time Ago

    Guys, ditch your entire apartment. Rent is such a dumb expense when you really think about it. Get a van or a camper or a cardboard box and get used to surviving because pretty soon, a lot more people are gonna be migrating to the woods in their “mobile” tiny homes. Rent control can be approved everywhere and houses are way too damn expensive now. I’m going to take this one step further and say that we don’t even need offices anymore…at all because we have this thing called the internet. Instead, we turn all those insane offices and convert them into affordable housing spaces for Millennials since we’re literally the poorest generation in history and then we all work remotely. Even further, everyone gets cremated when they die because cemeteries are fucking retarded and a waste of space. Think about it, we murder each other over land and yet we bury people that are already dead on land that could be used for more mobile homes since everyone is basically poor as shit anyway and money doesn’t even really exist lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on How To Keep It Together When You're Unemployed

    Drive Uber or Lyft

    Sell drugs

    Airbnb your place out while you go travel

    Do odd jobs for cash

    Sell drugs

    Get a restaurant gig

    Sell all your clothes to Buffalo Exhange and watch the dirty fashionista hipsters overvalue your Pink Floyd t-shirt collection

    Busk in the streets for cash = (playing an instrument)

    eBay out your possessions because you can’t take them with you when you die anyway

    Become a consultant for the homeless and get paid in drugs

    Sell more drugs

    Whore yourself out, there are so many street corners that are vacant in our country

    Rob people and places

    Sell weapons because it’s the American way

    Become an Instagram influencer and hock body scrub products and energy drinks and sunglasses

    Keep selling drugs

    Willfully wither away into nothingness and never have to worry about going to work or paying for stupid shit again!

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Knee Jerk Reactions To Each State’s Most Hated Thing

    Mississippi hating butt sex is a front for the satantists down there who use religion as a second layer front so they can sodomize the sacrificial people that they murder during their ceremonies for the all seeing eye. They have fronts for fronts so it’s like a backdoor front for a backdoor lol

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on Polar Bear vs. Gorilla In A Fight To The Death - Who You Got?

    And the winner gets put into another cage for the rest of its life only to fight idiotic people who enter their realm and then expect other idiotic people to try and shoot the animals in their own home as other even more idiotic people watch via their cell phone screens in person, tweeting “thoughts and prayers”….in terms of the fight, let’s throw a variable in the the 3rd round, a rifle gets tossed into the cage and it’s an evolutionary race against time to see which animal is smart enough to use it on the other. The fight will also be color commentated by JR from Monday Night Raw

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  • Nived_Neirbo 7 years ago on 10 Things You Can Do At Work To Look Busy

    I usually sit forward toward my computer screen with a serious look on my face while resting my chin on my hand as if I’m a “thinking man” and then I periodically whisper “fuck” or “bullshit” out loud to make it seem like I’m working on complex issues. Then I talk to my buddy via gchat so all the typing sounds make it seem like I’m finding solutions to complex problems when in reality the only complex problem I’m trying to solve each day is trying accept that this is my life until I’m old enough to get skin cancer from sitting under fluorescent lights

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