

Member Since 05/06/2016

  • HungoverAF 8 years ago on The Tiny House Trend Needs To Die Already

    I’m all for living smaller/simply, but a tiny house is just not practical for most people. It’s a temporary solution if you’re not old and settled (and even then, how many “climbing the ladder to bed” years do you have?), and they are usually so customized that resale with a decent profit margin has got to be really difficult.

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  • HungoverAF 8 years ago on Vanity Fair's Expose On The Prostitution Economy Is Eye-Opening And Bizarre

    This is an interesting article for a site that objectifies and mocks women regularly.* It is a fine line between being empowered and succumbing to a prevalent narrative that your only worth is your body. And at 18, when people treat you “special” because you’re attractive, I think it’s easy to fall into that but pretend you’re in control. We were all invincible at 18.

    *I should note that I don’t actually have a problem with this because I choose to believe that all of you heathens actually respect/value women. You just don’t always understand them plus you need an outlet because your boss or your girl has you by the balls 95% of the time.

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  • HungoverAF 8 years ago on These Numbers Show That America's Work Behavior Is Absolutely Appalling

    I work remotely (but usually not from home- I just go to a lot of different worksites) and often take liberties with my time. But I excuse those because I don’t have coworkers around me. I used to waste way more time having water cooler talk when I was office-based than I do taking a long lunch or dipping out early.

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  • HungoverAF 8 years ago on I Can't Drink Cold Brew Anymore

    Cold brew at home is even easier than the other comments (getting a maker, using a french press). Just stick coffee grounds (coarse is better) in a pitcher full of water, leave in the fridge for 24ish hours then strain through a strainer with a coffee filter in it. Way cheaper and much more delicious. Use Community Coffee New Orleans blend for bonus points.

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  • HungoverAF 8 years ago on Ten Staples Of Any Basic Chick's Lifestyle

    Life is better when you don’t have to try to be a unicorn snowflake. I may not have a breathtakingly unique story to tell, but very rarely does anything on this list disappoint me. Cheers to being basic.

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  • HungoverAF 8 years ago on First Date Etiquette From A Seasoned Vet

    I really like happy hour/early drinks. That way if it’s going well you can decide to get dinner together, and if it’s not, it’s an easy out because you both only committed to drinks.

    Also, if you haven’t been, you need to try drinks at Union Common.

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  • HungoverAF 9 years ago on The Death Of Blowjobs

    This is true. I think it’s because girls start actually respecting themselves around 25, and guys start looking for someone to spend time with doing other things, too. Like with clothes on.

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  • HungoverAF 9 years ago on Your Catcalling Doesn't Offend Me

    This is such a hard topic because it is so subjective. I work in a male-dominated industry and most things don’t bother me. I’m also from the south so I use “honey, baby, sweetie and dear” with everyone regardless of age or sex. But you know in your gut when something is crossing the line. One of my business associates put his hand on the small of my back the other day, and it was just wrong. Don’t really know what point I’m trying to make other than please don’t think this is universal.

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  • HungoverAF 9 years ago on I Bailed On My Diet But At Least I Enjoy Life Again

    I can’t keep any diet that cuts out booze and coffee, which are usually the first things to go on popular diets. I just don’t eat when I know I’m going to drink a lot. I’ve said the words, “Drinking beer is like eating bread. I’m fine.” on more than one occasion.

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  • HungoverAF 9 years ago on Things I've Gotten Worse At: Moving

    Moving is the worst. There was a point in my life where I was purposely owning less and less stuff just because I knew I’d have to move again. Went IKEA-crazy on the last move since I live alone now (judge away, bitches… that shit is cheap and I feel a sense of accomplishment having built it) so I will need a moving truck next time, and they will undoubtedly break 75% of my crappy furniture.

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