I did the drunken bed wetting dance with a girl I was seeing, she was covered from the waist down. Four years later I ended up marrying her. The way I see it, if you urinate on someone and they stay with you they are a keeper. I mark my territory well. She got me back years later when we tried anal…
I let out a huge sigh when I walked into my first day of my new job recently. I was the youngest in my training class and knew the task laid before me. Fucking Boomers.
I did the drunken bed wetting dance with a girl I was seeing, she was covered from the waist down. Four years later I ended up marrying her. The way I see it, if you urinate on someone and they stay with you they are a keeper. I mark my territory well. She got me back years later when we tried anal…
I have a man-crush on Chris Pratt. There I said it.
I was that recruiter once, minus the attractive part.
Ham guy is a man’s man.
I used to hunt on plenty of fish, with great success. I had a problem come to think of it, as there’s a few cougar trophies on my wall.
I lost my virginity to a 42 year old. It was the best and worst thirty seconds of our lives.
I don’t need this type of negativity in my life.
I’d probably be dead and/or divorced. Thanks Sallie.
I got a side job picking range balls at a course, 3 hours a week and all the golf and range I want. Feeds the habit.
I let out a huge sigh when I walked into my first day of my new job recently. I was the youngest in my training class and knew the task laid before me. Fucking Boomers.
Grandex Writers: 99.9% chance of being automated
I’m in the club as well, shit sucks.
Cool story.
Reading this and realizing you’re quickly approaching the “cool older guy” phase in your life…PGP.
Hey Peter, man! Breast exams channel 9!
I was called sir by a skateboarding hoodlem the other day.
Indiana’s costs are inflated.
The thumbs down feature could essentially be the admin where x ammounts of thumbs down will remove or hide the post.
Seems like alcohol is helping. You wasted all that money.