Praying I get injured on the job. PGP.
My mom signed me up for and sent me an email of her top picks with the subject “You’re not getting any younger” PGP.
Uber just added another decimal point to user’s passenger ratings and my fall from 4.6 to 4.56 actually upset me a bit. PGP.
Using Father’s Day sales but having no kids.
Spent 7 hours of my Saturday in the ER after throwing my back out from a cough. PGP.
Hooked up with the girl two cubes down from me. Going to be an interesting Monday
I like Steph Curry’s new shoes. PGP
Bought some new pens today. Can’t wait to try them out at the office tomorrow. PGP
Coming in Monday and reading post it notes your left yourself and Friday and having no idea what they mean. PGP
Someone stole my mouse pad.