I wonder if I have to claim Fantasy Football winnings on my taxes. PGP.
Depression from your team’s loss on Sunday violently colliding with your Monday depression. PGP.
Not sure if my shakes are coming from my hangover or my coffee. PGP.
Budget cuts. PGP.
Using a week’s worth of PTO to sit at home on your couch. PGP.
Taking out of town company workshops because it’s sort of like a vacation. PGP.
The lady next to me has been talking about her gout for 20 minutes. PGP.
R.I.P. ’96 Ford Taurus. Hello public transportation. PGP.
This whole Ray Rice thing really makes me wonder how many times someone has seen me pick my nose while riding an elevator alone. PGP.
Being the first person to crack open a beer in the corporate skybox. PGPM.